About Us

“Since working with Victoria I have achieved an overall core strength that has enhanced the other sports I enjoy such as swimming, mountain biking, and ballet. Pilates also helped rehabilitate my lower spine/ back from a degenerative disorder and thus fully eliminated the need for surgery. I will continue Pilates for life because not only is it a great workout for the “entire body”, IT’S FUN ! ” – Brenda Galentine

Pilates is an innovative and safe system of mind-body exercise using a floor mat or a variety of equipment. It evolved from the principles of Contrology, an exercise regimen created by Joseph Pilates, and can dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. Pilates builds strength without excess bulk and is capable of creating a sleek, toned body with slender thighs and a flat abdomen. The method emphasizes body awareness, good posture and strong breath patterns. Pilates also improves flexibility, agility and economy of motion. It often alleviates back pain through improved core strength and alignment.
The mind-body exercises of the Pilates method strengthen the mental focus of physical movement, stressing quality over quantity. This type of exercise is far more efficient and safe than traditional gym workouts. It is often used to re-establish “rusty” nerve pathways and clarity of mind. Students with arthritis, muscular sclerosis, diabetes and balance problems have found great relief through Pilates exercises. Many physical therapist use the Pilates exercises and equipment in their practice, and recommend continued, “life long study”, to keep the joints and muscles strong and healthy. These highly controlled exercises are also great tools to teach children proper joint alignment and function, especially in their teens when their growth plates are under so much stress..
Elite athletes, such as Olympic swimmers, skaters and dancers, “cross train” in Pilates. Young hopefuls are coached through countless exercises and stretches designed to address specific movements in their chosen sport.

Their sessions are a study of movement including terminology, joint function, and basic anatomy. Injury prevention and care is incorporated throughout the session to assure the young athlete develops healthy habits, both mentally and physically.
No matter what your age or physical condition, Pilates will work for you, but don’t take our word for it. According to the SGMA, in the U.S. alone, nearly nine million people participated in Pilates in 2009 – a staggering 456% increase from 2000.
GYROTONIC@ exercises offer complete freedom of movement. Exercises are performed on the Professional Pulley Tower, system that is fully adjustable and can meet the needs of many people with varying body types and levels of strength. The even and constant resistance in the handle unit and pulley tower, (through the triple reduction in the pulleys), completely eliminates the jarring that takes place at the beginning and end of exercises performed on conventional exercise equipment, when many injuries occur. The circular, spiraling and undulating movements that characterize the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM@ help to increase the functional capacity of spine, contributing to a spherical and three-dimensional awareness, resulting in increased equilibrium.
Ms. Leonard has found that the GYROTONIC@ method works best for those clients experiencing joint dysfunction and/or pain, clients who have recently undergone hip, knee or shoulder surgery, and in cross-training her elite athletes.

-Safety: The grips secure your footing/hold while standing or lunging on the equipment
-Hygene: Even though the studio cleans the floors and wipes down mat and equipment, they can’t wipe other student’s feet.
-Alignment: The 5 toe grip socks fit the anatomical design of your foot so your toes and feet can perform naturally, like you’re barefoot. Wearing regular athletic socks draws the toes together, making them act as one unit.. The physiological purpose of our toes is to spread and anchor to the floor to help the body balance and stay aligned.
-Circulation: By encouraging your toes to spread, ToeSox grip socks trigger muscles in your feet and shins, which in turn send messages to your knees, hips and back. The smaller foot muscles, like abductors, are commonly atrophied due to lack of use. When your toes spread out, these small muscles are used and strengthened, promoting foot health, cell renewal, and full-body support.

$18.00 pair or 2 for $30.00
reformers, wunda chairs, and spine

“circular toning” movement

to the toes! Purchase your Toe
Sox today!